With vehicles based on reality and highly detailed units, this modification is the closest that you can get with portuguese emergency services! Featuring: - Republican National Guard [GNR] - Public Safety Police [PSP] - Intervention, Protection and Rescue Group [GIPS] - Special Operations Group [GOE] - Fire Department - National Institute of Medical Emergencies [iNEM] - AFOCELCA - Forest Fire Fighting force [sapadores Florestais] - National Civil Protection Authority [ANPC] and more.. zip file in when your finished) Go to downloads and put your mod into the mods folder for EM4.. • We will post pictures in both Facebook page and topic • Rockport modification isn't cancelled, I'll put it on hold and I'll work on both mods. Samsung Syncmaster Ld190 Drivers For Mac

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With vehicles based on reality and highly detailed units, this modification is the closest that you can get with portuguese emergency services! Featuring: - Republican National Guard [GNR] - Public Safety Police [PSP] - Intervention, Protection and Rescue Group [GIPS] - Special Operations Group [GOE] - Fire Department - National Institute of Medical Emergencies [iNEM] - AFOCELCA - Forest Fire Fighting force [sapadores Florestais] - National Civil Protection Authority [ANPC] and more.. zip file in when your finished) Go to downloads and put your mod into the mods folder for EM4.. • We will post pictures in both Facebook page and topic • Rockport modification isn't cancelled, I'll put it on hold and I'll work on both mods. 773a7aa168 Samsung Syncmaster Ld190 Drivers For Mac

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Emergency 4 Portuguese Mod Em4

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See the or for more information We'll give it a few weeks to give enough time to edit signatures, after that the unnecessarily large signatures will simply be removed.. Completed Edit Los Angeles Mod Manhattan Mod NYC Mod London Mod Portuguese Modification Lisbon Modification (RSB Simulator 2014).. It appears that the update to the new forum has affected the format of the majority of signatures (adding extra spaces, changing sizes etc.. Below is a list of all mods known to exist for Emergency 4 If you are looking for mods for Emergency 5, Emergency 2016, and/or Emergency 2017 please look here.. • Not all the vehicles are represented in the pictures below • Credits will be present in the readme!Don't forget to leave some feedback! Someone sugested me to do a multi-functions unit, since I had a model from ERS Berlin (that I love) to work on, I did this. 4x4 Games Download For Android

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Emergency 4 Portuguese Mod Em4